Becoming a Partner

Many of our APIs are for partners only, and therefore require approved access to view the API documentation and to access those APIs. Only a partner-approved team can access partner APIs. Both you as a developer, and your team need to be upgraded to partner to see partner API documentation and request partner API access.

If you are a Bunnings partner, follow these steps to submit your request to access some of our other APIs:


You must first register as a developer on the portal.


Create a team in sandbox (NOTE: Bunnings will create team access in test and live environments upon partner approval). This team must be named after the registered name of your business or company, that is a partner of Bunnings. See the Teams page for more details on teams.


Click the Request Partner Access link on the top left-hand side of the page, and in the form provide as much detail as you can on accessing our other APIs. Then click Submit.


As a team owner, go to the team that requires access to partner APIs. Click the Partner Request button.


Bunnings will review your application and we will respond to you soon.


If your application is approved, you will then be able to see the partner-enabled API documentation. Bunnings will create your team access in the test and live portal environments. From your approved team, you can create apps and request access to the partner-enabled APIs.