Let’s get building with Bunnings APIs.
This getting started guide will help you get access and to start using the Bunnings' APIs quickly in 4 easy steps.
Register your developer account in the sandbox environment
Confirm your registration by clicking the one-time registration link on the verification email sent to your registered email address
Login to your developer account in the sandbox environment
Create an app (that contain a set of API keys, or Credentials) to a sandbox API product
Once you’re registered you’ll be able to start developing your applications immediately by getting API Keys (by creating an app) for the sandbox environment API products.
Our sandbox APIs, including our sandbox OAuth2 endpoint, provide mocked responses which emulate the request and response structure of our test and live APIs.
You’ll need to develop against the sandbox version of the API product first before being allowed to access the test version of the API, and likewise from the test to live version of the API.
Developer Portal Environments
We have three developer portal environments to ensure segregation of sandbox, test and live APIs. Once you’ve registered on the sandbox environment, you will be able to use the same credentials to log onto the test and live portal environments.
You can also use the switcher in the top right-hand-side of the portal to switch between sandbox, test and live sites.
The Portal Environments
Sandbox | Test | Live | |
Developer Portal | https://developer.sandbox.bunnings.com.au | https://developer.test.bunnings.com.au | https://developer.live.bunnings.com.au |
Using API Keys
All our APIs are protected using OAuth2 (and other security mechanisms) to ensure we know who is using our APIs and to ensure their access is valid.
Your API keys are available in the Credentials section of your app, and the API products that you can use are associated with the API keys.
This allows you to create apps and API keys (Credentials) that can be used for different purposes to help you maintain and track the usage of those keys.
Before you can use any of the Bunnings APIs, you will need to use your API keys to get a token. You can then use that token in the Authorization
header for each subsequent API call.
See Security for more details.
Accessing Test APIs
Once you’ve successfully integrated your application to one or more sandbox APIs, switch over to our test site, create a new app and request access to the test version of the API product. If you are prompted to log in to our test site, use the same credentials you used for sandbox.
The API product will show “pending”, where Bunnings will approve your request after reviewing the applications.
Access requests may require further information. If this is the case, Bunnings may reach out to you to discuss your requirements.
Accessing Live APIs
The live version of our APIs are available on our live site. To access live APIs, you must first have successfully tested your application using the test APIs. If you are prompted to log in to our live site, use the same credentials you used for sandbox.
Once again, create a new app and request access to the API product in live.
The API product will show “pending”, where Bunnings will approve your request after reviewing the application.
Access requests to live may require further information. If this is the case, Bunnings may reach out to you to discuss your requirements.
Helpful Tips
Look around the site to get familiar with the content, the products and how to find the information you’re looking for.
If you don’t find what you’re looking for, please Contact Us.
Read the documentation
To help you understand whether one of our API products will be useful to you, first read the API product information, which provides high-level and useful information on the product’s features.
Also review the API reference. Each of our API products has a detailed OpenAPI Specification outlining all of the paths, request structure, response structure, schemas and sample code on how to use the API and what kind of response to expect from it.
Use the Postman collections
There are Postman collections available for each of our API products. Download them, enter your API credentials to start using the API. Our Postman collections are designed to get successful responses from our APIs within seconds from when you get valid API keys.
Learn more on how to use Bunnings APIs
Head over to Working with Bunnings APIs for detailed insight into how to successfully access and use our APIs.